When Do Morgan and Rick Meet Again

Fictional character

Morgan Jones
The Walking Dead / Fearfulness the Walking Dead character

Morgan Jones, as portrayed by Lennie James in the television series (left) and in the comic book series (right).

First appearance
  • Comic:
  • "Result #1" (2003)
  • Television:
  • The Walking Dead :
  • "Days Gone Bye" (2010)
  • Fear the Walking Expressionless :
  • "What'due south Your Story?" (2018)
Concluding appearance
  • Comic:
  • "Consequence #83" (2011)
  • Television:
  • The Walking Expressionless :
  • "Wrath" (2018)
Created by Robert Kirkman
Tony Moore
Adapted by Frank Darabont
(The Walking Dead)
Portrayed past Lennie James
In-universe information
Occupation Comic:
Cook for the Alexandria Safe-Zone
Idiot box:
Soldier for the Kingdom
Fellow member of the Militia
Weapon Stick
Spouse Jenny Jones (named only in the television series)
Significant others Comic:
Goggle box:
Grace Mukherjee
Children Duane Jones (son)

Morgan Jones is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead, portrayed by Lennie James in the American television serial of the aforementioned name and its companion series Fright the Walking Dead. In both the comics and idiot box series, he is a devoted father struggling to go over the recent death of his wife. He and his son, Duane, seek refuge in Rick's hometown after the outbreak occurs and are the first survivors that Rick encounters later awakening from his coma. Morgan is characterized by his catchphrase "you know what information technology is", which he repeats regularly throughout the TV show.

In the TV serial, Morgan saves Rick'due south life from a zombie and informs him about the outbreak. They part means with the intention of reuniting in Atlanta merely then lose contact. In the season three episode "Clear," Morgan is revealed to be alive when Rick encounters him on a supply run. Morgan has get mentally unstable as Duane was killed past Morgan'due south undead wife, and refuses to rejoin Rick's group. In flavour five, Morgan is shown to have recovered from his mental interruption and learns that Rick is in Virginia. He somewhen reunites with his former friend. In flavour 6 Morgan acts equally a pacifist, insisting that the group can resolve threats without the employ of violence, which conflicts with Rick's views. Morgan also tries to help Rick regain his humanity. A flashback episode "Here'due south Non Here" reveals that after encountering Rick the 2d time, Morgan met a survivor named Eastman who helped him recover from his mental break, teaching him aikido and insisting that he never has to kill people. An ongoing state of war diminishes Morgan's commitment to peace, and he reverts to killing. By the end of the state of war, he leaves Washington. It was decided[ by whom? ] to transfer his graphic symbol to the companion series Fear the Walking Dead.

Appearances [edit]

Comic book series [edit]

Morgan Jones, as depicted in the comic book series.

Morgan's son, Duane, spots Rick wandering around their house and, mistaking him for a walker, knocks him out with a shovel. Morgan quickly comes to the realization that Rick is a living human and aids him back to health. He provides details to Rick of the outbreak and what has been happening within the world the past couple months. Rick after supplies him and his son with guns from the Sheriff's station to ensure their protection, and and then departs from them to Atlanta.[one]

Morgan and Duane are later shown still remaining within their firm several months afterward, during the winter. In an try to preserve old tradition and celebrate Christmas with Duane to lift his spirits, Morgan is able to find a Game Male child from a nearby store and give it to him as a nowadays.[2]

Quondam within the following months, Duane falls prey to the walkers, specifically his walker-turned mother, and gets turned. Morgan, unable to cope with the death of his son, resorts to locking Duane in the house with chains. As his mental and physical health deteriorates, he begins murdering survivors who pass past then he can feed the boy. Rick, forth with his son Carl and new second-in-command Abraham, go far dorsum to the town with the plan to bring Morgan into the group, which he agrees to after freeing his zombie son.[3] He rapidly develops an intense fixation on Carl, who reminds him of Duane.[4] While in the group, he becomes 1 of the primary defenders of their army camp, and deepens his bond with Michonne, the two of them both connecting due to their damaged psyches and history of loss.[5] At the same time, he attempts to deepen his bond with Carl after witnessing first-paw the male child'due south common cold-blooded mentality.[6] He believes himself to exist responsible for maintaining Carl's babyhood innocence and is determined to make amends for his failure to protect Duane.

Once arriving at the new walled-in community named the Alexandria Prophylactic-Zone, he was assigned by the leader Douglas the role of beingness a chef. He and the rest of the survivors enjoyed the resources that the community offered, however he was one of the few who plant himself frustrated with the fake upbeat attitude of their surround. Afterwards he and Michonne leave the welcome political party hosted by the townspeople, the two finally appoint in sex.[7] He deeply regrets his actions the following morning, believing himself to be an adulterer and continuing to cling to the memory of his deceased wife. His burdening of ill-conceived principles and refusal to let get of the past angers Michonne, despite their growing attraction towards one another.[8]

Morgan later apologizes for the hindrance in their relationship and reassures her that he is trying the best he can to become over all that has happened. She accepts[9] and the ii are able to reunite as lovers once more.[10] Tension betwixt the two of them develops once more however, as Michonne becomes insulted by his egocentric demeanor when he justifies their sexual activities as him deserving to be happy.[eleven]

While helping fight off zombies with Rick, Morgan is caught off baby-sit and bitten on the arm by a walker.[12] Michonne chops his arm off, and from in that location he is left bedridden. He confesses to Carl his cognition of the murder committed by him and pleads for him not to let darkness overcome his morality.[xiii] Michonne later tries to make amends with him, only to notice that he has died from claret-loss. He is shortly thereafter put down by her before he has the adventure to re-animate.[xiv]

Television series [edit]

Flavor 1 [edit]

In the television serial, Rick'south hometown - where the Jones' settle - is a small Georgia boondocks called King Canton. In the series premiere "Days Gone Good day", Morgan examines Rick afterwards his son Duane mistakes Rick for a walker and hits him with a shovel. Rick later wakes up tied to a bed, as Morgan checks Rick for zombie bites or fever, either of which could indicate he is turning into a walker. Morgan initially doubts Rick's status equally a living being, going so far as to threaten to shoot him if he does non prove his humanity. Afterwards deciding Rick is not a threat, Morgan frees him using a Buck 110 hunting knife and shares what information he has regarding the apocalypse and the walkers.

The following solar day, Rick tells Morgan that his married woman and son are missing and they are well-nigh likely alive, since the family unit photos have been taken from the house. Morgan and Duane tell Rick they may take fix off to Atlanta, where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has gear up up a quarantine zone. Rick takes Morgan and Duane to his former Sheriff'south headquarters, where the trio utilize the emergency generator to ability upward the station. They take hot showers and clean out the armory. Rick heads to Atlanta, while Morgan and Duane stay behind. Rick gives Morgan a burglarize and a walkie-talkie and promises to broadcast every morning at dawn. Morgan goes to the top floor of his house, where he looks through old family photos before shooting several zombies. As he hoped, the noise attracts more walkers, including his expressionless married woman Jenny, but Morgan finds himself unable to shoot her and breaks downward in tears.

After, Rick returns to Atlanta in order to recover the walkie-talkie he dropped there in guild to contact Morgan. Though Rick broadcasts letters to Morgan at the appointed time, Morgan never responds. After the decision is fabricated to abandon their campsite following a walker set on, Rick leaves behind a message for Morgan and a map of where they are going.

Season 2 [edit]

At the offset of "What Lies Ahead," Rick attempts to contact Morgan over the walkie-talkie one final time without success. Rick warns Morgan that Atlanta is not prophylactic and they are beingness forced to abandon the city in favor of Fort Benning. Rick expresses hope to see Morgan there anytime and almost tells Morgan a secret that Doctor Edwin Jenner at the CDC had whispered in his ear, but ultimately chooses to remain silent on the field of study.

Season three [edit]

In the episode "Clear", when Rick, Carl, and Michonne keep a run into King County, Morgan holds them at gunpoint from a roof. They accept a shootout, and while trying to pursue Rick, Carl ultimately shoots Morgan in the chest. Rick pulls off Morgan's shirt, revealing that he had donned body armor. They drag his unconscious-cocky into his edifice, avoiding his traps, and lay him downwardly on a bed. For prophylactic measures, his hands are bound by Rick. While Rick is reading the strange writings on the wall, he discovers that Duane had reanimated, and decides to stay and look for Morgan to wake up.

While Michonne and Carl go on a run, Rick waits for him to wake up, but Morgan grabs a pocketknife that was taped to the side of the bed. He attacks Rick, challenge that he is non familiar with anyone anymore. He stabs Rick in the upper-left chest. Rick knocks the weapon away, pointing his revolver at Morgan's head, and Morgan begs Rick to kill him. Morgan is tied upwards once more and, after patching himself up, Rick finally manages to make him remember that the two know each other. Morgan says that he tried to contact Rick every morning time for several weeks, only he never answered the radio, earlier explaining what happened to Duane.

He is offered the chance to join the group at the prison, but he realizes that Rick is taking a lot of guns, meaning that they are preparing for a war. Morgan claims that Rick, Carl, and his people will die either past bullets or by walkers, and refuses to join them, not wanting to run across anyone else dice. While clearing out the walkers caught on his traps, Carl approaches Morgan and tells him that he is sorry for shooting him before. Morgan remarks to Carl, "Don't ever be sorry." While leaving Rex County, Rick, Carl, and Michonne watch as Morgan prepares to burn the corpses of the walkers he captured.

Note: Morgan Jones did not appear in The Walking Dead (flavor 4). [15]

Season 5 [edit]

Subsequently the credits in the episode "No Sanctuary", a masked man is seen approaching a Terminus sign Rick had written "No Sanctuary" on. He turns around and pulls off his mask, revealing himself to be Morgan who finds a cross mark on a tree and begins following a trail of them. Morgan reappears later on the credits in the episode "Coda" where he follows the tree markings left by Gareth to the unproblematic school where he and the Hunters had cannibalized Bob Stookey'southward leg. Morgan puts down a walker pinned nether debris and comes across Fr. Gabriel Stokes's church, where he puts together a makeshift shrine and kneels in front of it, praying for a curt time before laughing. Morgan finds the map with a route to Washington D.C. lying on the ground (the 1 that Abraham Ford had previously given to Rick in the episode "4 Walls and a Roof") and reads the message Abraham had left on it for Rick. Morgan realizes that his friend is still alive somewhere.

In the flavour finale "Conquer", Morgan is in Virginia and sleeping in a car, earlier starting a fire. A human being approaches him at gunpoint, revealing himself to be a member of the Wolves, and after a brief conversation, demands that Morgan surrender all of his supplies likewise as himself. Every bit another Wolves fellow member lunges at Morgan from behind with a knife, Morgan dodges the set on and fights the men with a wooden staff, overpowering them and knocking them unconscious. Morgan places them in the backseat of the auto and blows the horn—checking if any walkers are nearby—before departing. When Daryl Dixon and Aaron become trapped in a van surrounded by walkers when they set off a trap laid by the Wolves, Morgan rescues them and Aaron offers him the chance to come to Alexandria every bit a cheers for saving them. Morgan initially turns down the offering, but says he is lost only on his way to somewhere, and shows Daryl the map to Washington D.C. with Rick's name on it that he had constitute at the church building. Realizing that Morgan knows Rick, Daryl and Aaron bring him to Alexandria, where they arrive in time to witness Rick executing Pete Anderson under orders from Deanna Monroe following Pete's murder of Deanna'due south hubby.

Season 6 [edit]

In the season premiere, "Starting time Time Over again", Morgan and Rick catch up, revealing that he learned how to use his staff from someone later on the outbreak. Morgan is kept in a room for the night earlier Rick lets him gratuitous, telling him he doesn't take chances anymore. Morgan accompanies Rick in going out of the Safe Zone to coffin Pete, when they come across a rock quarry filled with walkers. Morgan helps Rick with his programme to lure the walkers out of the quarry and away from the Safety Zone, knowing it's only a matter of time earlier they break complimentary. Morgan is present when they walk in on Carter (Ethan Embry) discussing his plans to kill Rick and have the Safe Zone dorsum, holding a gun to Eugene. Rick disarms Carter, which leads him into telling Morgan that no matter what happens, people like Carter will end up dying. During construction on a makeshift bulwark, several walkers stumble into the work zone. Rick wants the Alexandrians to kill them, but Morgan intervenes, saying he doesn't take chances anymore either. Every bit the group are luring the walkers out of the quarry and away from the Safety Zone, a blaring horn is heard coming from Alexandria. This causes the herd of walkers to begin making their way through the woods and back to the Safe Zone, with Morgan, Rick and Michonne running dorsum to Alexandria.

In the episode "JSS", Morgan arrives back at Alexandria after a big rig truck crashed into a tower. He finds out that Alexandria was breached past a group known as the Wolves who are brutally slaughtering everyone they can in Alexandria with an arsenal of blades. The Reverend Gabriel being attacked by a Wolf but is saved past Morgan. When asked past Gabriel how he learned to fight similar that Morgan responded, "from a cheese maker." Morgan ran effectually Alexandria to fight off other wolves and establish himself surrounded past v of them. The leader of the pack recognized Morgan from their previous meet. Morgan asked the Wolves to exit, simply instead the Wolves attacked him. One by one the Wolves were knocked downwards by Morgan using simply his staff in hand. He informs the Wolf that his people have guns and they would be shot if they didn't leave. The Wolves finally comply every bit they realize they can't win. Once the Wolves left Alexandria, Morgan surveys the carnage left behind by the attackers. He went within a firm the Wolves ravaged and was ambushed by who appears to be the leader of the Wolves. A fight ensued between them in the living room, and eventually Morgan was able gain an upper paw to subdue the Wolf leader and knocked him unconscious.

The episode "Here's Not Here" reveals how Morgan regained his sanity and learned his martial arts skills from a survivor named Eastman. After Rick left Morgan in Rex County, it's revealed that Morgan began attacking and killing anyone he came across. When he comes across Eastman, he was knocked unconscious and locked inside a cell in the cabin. While Morgan initially rebuffs Eastman'southward attempts to go to know him and help him motility past his trauma (constantly telling him, he'southward going to kill Eastman when he gets out), Morgan eventually calms down and listens to Eastman'due south philosophy. From then on, Eastman taught Morgan how all life is precious as well as teaching him Aikido to allow him to defend himself without resorting to lethal force. The episode shows how Eastman died from a walker bite, only Morgan carries his peaceful ways on with a promise to never kill again. The episode ends with Morgan shown to take been telling the story to the Wolf leader (locked in his basement) in an attempt to convert him in plough.

In the episode "Heads Upwards", Morgan admits to Rick and Michonne that he let the Wolves escape, assertive that people can change, though Rick doubts his power to survive without getting his hands dirty. Morgan later visits Denise Cloyd and gains her help in treating the Wolf he captured. In the mid-season finale "First to Finish", when Alexandria's walls are breached by a horde of walkers, Carol and Morgan have shelter in Morgan'southward house. She finds the captive Wolf, and threatens him with a pocketknife, only Morgan intervenes and they fight, allowing the Wolf to escape.

In the mid-season premiere "No Way Out", the escaped Wolf is killed while saving Denise from walkers. When the Wolf reanimates, Morgan kills it and apologizes. In the episode "Not Tomorrow Yet", Morgan tries to talk the group out of attacking the Saviors, but Rick is determined to impale them all. With the strike force gone on their sneak attack, Morgan is seen back in Alexandria welding bars together to make a new detention cell. In the episode "Twice as Far", Morgan is seen reinforcing his jail cell, telling Rick it will give them options in the hereafter. In the episode "East", after Carol goes missing, both Morgan and Rick set out to find her. They find an unknown man, whom Rick decides to shoot after the human asks for his horse, merely Morgan stops him. The man is already gone by the time Morgan explains to Rick how everything is a bike and by sparing the Wolf leader he kept in Alexandria, Denise was saved and was able to save Carl. The 2 then part ways with Rick giving Morgan a gun and telling him to come back one time he finds Ballad.

In the season finale "Last Day on Earth", Morgan continues to search for Carol. He finds the missing homo's horse and is pleased to run into he was telling the truth. Before long, he finds Carol, who has been shot twice by one of the Saviors. When the man moves to shoot Carol, Morgan kills him past repeatedly shooting him and and so moves to assistance Carol when the human he and Rick encountered before returns with a friend. Morgan returns his equus caballus and the men agree to aid get Carol to safety.

Season vii [edit]

Morgan starting time appears in the 2d episode of the season, "The Well" where it's revealed that the men he encountered at the end of last flavour brought him and Carol to a community known as The Kingdom. Later Carol wakes up from a long sleep, Morgan introduces her to the leader of the community, Male monarch Ezekiel and his pet Bengal tiger Shiva. While Ballad dismisses Ezekiel's masquerade equally a truthful medieval male monarch equally ridiculous, Morgan seems more open up-minded. He begins to become more involved in the customs, helping feed their pigs and dispatch walkers. Ezekiel, impressed by Morgan'due south skills with the staff, asks him to train Ben, a immature survivor who is very important to him. Morgan is reluctant at first every bit he reasons the stick couldn't have saved Carol, merely he eventually agrees.

While grooming Ben, Morgan allows Ben to borrow The Art of Peace a book Eastman gave him and states that he is struggling with his beliefs every bit he was forced to kill over again to save Ballad, but still continues to value life. Morgan is subsequently present when Ezekiel and other members of the Kingdom give tribute to the Saviors with Ezekiel expressing his desire to fight and defeat the Saviors. The episode ends with Morgan escorting Carol to an abandoned house outside the Kingdom where they office on amicable terms earlier Morgan heads back. Morgan reappears in the mid-season finale "Hearts Still Beating", where Carol sees him leaving fruit by her door. She calls him inside and shows him Ezekiel has already brought enough of fruit, before asking him how he is. When he responds that he'due south good, she then tells him to get out. The ii are so approached by Ezekiel's adviser Richard, who asks for their assistance in convincing Ezekiel to launch a preemptive strike against the Saviors. Morgan refuses equally he doesn't want to exist the i to break the peace. When Carol reiterates that she just wants to be left alone, Morgan replies that she was never supposed to see him before leaving.

In "Stone in the Road", Morgan is reunited with Rick and the others when they are brought to the Kingdom by Jesus. He tells them that he found Carol, simply she left a short time after being in the Kingdom. He later sits in on Rick's meeting with Ezekiel, where he asks the Kingdom to join their fight against the Saviors. Ezekiel asks Morgan for his opinion and Morgan admits that he believes war isn't the reply and suggests they find another fashion. This sways Ezekiel to turn down Rick and the grouping leave the Kingdom presently after (though Daryl stays behind in society to better hide from the Saviors). In "New Best Friends", Morgan is present at the adjacent tribute to the Saviors when tensions escalate between Richard and Jared. When guns are fatigued, Morgan and Ben utilise their staffs to stop Jared who and so takes Morgan's staff. Despite this, he continues to disagree with Daryl who advocates war.

Morgan's moral conundrums come to a head in "Bury Me Here", when during a tribute, the Kingdom comes up short. To brand an case of the Kingdom, Jared shoots Benjamin. They blitz him to Carol'southward simply Ben succumbs to his injuries and dies. Benjamin's death causes Morgan to become distraught and begin to lose his grip on reality (with flashbacks of King Canton flashing through his mind). When he realizes Richard engineered the situation, he confronts him. Richard claims it was supposed to be him, simply that they tin can apply Ben's death to rally the Kingdom. The next day, while compensating the Saviors, Morgan snaps and attacks Richard, stunning him with his staff before strangling him to decease (shocking both sides). Morgan explains that Richard was behind Ben's expiry and is able to placate the Saviors. He so goes to see Carol and reveals what happened as well as telling her the truth about everyone the Saviors killed. He claims he'southward going to kill them all, 1 by one, merely Carol convinces him to stay. The episode ends with Morgan sharpening his staff into a spear, symbolizing his abandonment of Eastmen'due south ideals in favor of violence.

In "The Get-go Day of the Residual of Your Life", Morgan is constitute by Ezekiel, Ballad and a group of Kingdom survivors en route to Alexandria, donning Benjamin'south armor and wielding his spear. Ezekiel asks him if he is determined to erase who he was with Morgan claiming he doesn't wish it, but is "stuck" (implying his inability to live in their earth with both his life and values). Ezekiel convinces him to march with them to Alexandria. When they arrive, they join the Alexandrians in battle against the invading Saviors. During the battle, Morgan kills several Saviors (saving Rick at one signal), making liberal use of both firearms and his spear. He is later seen sitting in silence, after the boxing, where he is comforted by Carol (equally both have been forced into killing once more).

Season viii [edit]

Morgan appears in the flavour premiere "Mercy" where he is role of Tara and Jesus's group of soldiers, assigned to attack several Savior compounds. "The Damned" shows the attack commencing with Morgan leading the attack, assuaging doubts by challenge "I don't die", a reference to his loved ones constantly dying while he survives. Morgan is shown to impale numerous Savior during the attack before encountering Jared, Benjamin's killer, over again. He is about to kill him when Jesus stops him, stating they've surrendered. "Monsters" shows Morgan'southward grouping leading the captured Saviors back to Hilltop equally prisoners. Jared continues to allurement Morgan, but he refrains from taking action. When the prisoners attempt an escape, Morgan kills one of them, merely is stopped by Jesus from killing the others. Their disagreement over killing leads Morgan to attack Jesus, leading to a heated fight. Despite seemingly beingness evenly matched, Jesus manages to disarm Morgan before returning his staff. Morgan claims "I know I'one thousand non right. But that doesn't make me wrong" before leaving the group.

Its afterwards shown that Morgan chose to take up a post watching the Sanctuary instead of actively fighting in the state of war. In "Time for After," Morgan helps lay downwardly roofing fire for Daryl and Rosita's attack on the Sanctuary, helping them suspension through the walls with a garbage truck and assuasive the herd inside. When Rick later arrives with the Scavengers, he finds the sentries dead, the Sanctuary articulate of walkers and no sign of Morgan. In "How It'south Gotta Be," Morgan is revealed to have survived the Saviors retaliation and makes his mode dorsum to the Kingdom in fourth dimension to overhear Gavin threatening Ezekiel while the Kingdom is overrun with Saviors.

In a flashback in "Honor," Morgan witnesses the Saviors escape the Sanctuary and quickly flees. At the Kingdom, Morgan teams upward with Carol to rescue Ezekiel and kill the Saviors who accept taken over. Together, Morgan, Ballad and a liberated Ezekiel kill the Saviors and repossess the Kingdom. Morgan captures Gavin, the loftier-ranking Savior lieutenant responsible for Benjamin's expiry and prepares to impale him despite the efforts of Carol and Ezekiel to convince him otherwise. Earlier Morgan tin can impale Gavin, Gavin is suddenly killed from behind past Benjamin's younger blood brother Henry to the three's daze. Subsequently, in "Dead or Alive Or," Morgan dodges questions from Henry about his brother'southward killer and contemplates telling him the truth. After finding out that Carl died helping a stranger, Morgan lies to Henry that Gavin was Benjamin's killer and as such, Henry already got his revenge.

During "Do Non Send Us Astray," Morgan is haunted by hallucinations of Gavin telling him that information technology should've been Morgan that killed him. Morgan participates in the defense of the Hilltop Colony and helps to repel the attack so to deal with the reanimated residents who have been turned past the Saviors' tainted weapons. Afterwards, Morgan is saddened to learn that Henry is missing.

In "However Gotta Hateful Something," Morgan joins Carol in a search for Henry and continues hallucinating, this time of a dead Henry. Overwhelmed and having found a walker with Henry's fighting stick impaled through it, Morgan gives Henry upward for expressionless and abandons Carol to continue the search on her own. Morgan tells Carol that "I don't die, I simply see information technology" and feels that he can't save anyone he cares about. Instead, Morgan joins Rick'due south efforts to track down the escaped Savior prisoners which include Jared. The 2 men are captured past the Saviors, only Rick tries to convince the Saviors to release them equally a herd of walkers are coming. When the herd arrives, Rick and Morgan are released so plow on the Saviors, killing several of them. Morgan has a terminal confrontation with Jared, catastrophe with Morgan trapping Jared and ensuring he is devoured by walkers, getting his revenge for the murder of Benjamin. Morgan and Rick discuss their offset meeting and Morgan explains that his choice to save Rick at the time stemmed from the fact that his son was with him. Upon returning to the Hilltop, Morgan is shocked just relieved to observe that Ballad found and rescued Henry. Morgan informs Henry that he got revenge upon Benjamin'due south killer, but Henry just apologizes subsequently seeing Morgan'south land.

In "Wrath," Morgan's mental state continues to deteriorate, causing him to now hallucinate Jared and accidentally knock Henry over while going after Alden and the freed Savior prisoners who were returning from a legitimate errand for the Hilltop. Morgan continues his aggressive opinion towards the Saviors, slaughtering a grouping that the Militia ambushes while Jesus tries to console Morgan to have a less vehement stance, using the edgeless end of his stick for the living and the pointed end for the dead. During the final battle with the Saviors, Morgan about kills a subdued Savior, but instead decides to take Jesus' advice at the last moment and knocks out the man. After listening to Rick's spoken language to the gathered communities, Morgan easily over Benjamin's armor to exist given to Henry and decides to become his own manner for a while so he can motion on and heal away from other people. Morgan extends an offering from Rick for Jadis, the quondam leader of the Scavengers, to join Alexandria so that she doesn't have to exist alone. Jadis, revealing her real name to be Anne, accepts his offer while Morgan stays by himself in the Junkyard that had acted as the abode to the Scavengers.

Fearfulness the Walking Expressionless [edit]

Flavor 4 [edit]

Shortly after the war with the Saviors, Morgan is visited in the Junkyard by Jesus, Carol, and Rick who all separately attempt to get Morgan to render with them. Rick warns Morgan that no matter how far he runs, he will eventually observe himself with people once again. Subsequently, Morgan leaves the Junkyard and begins working his style westward, ending up in Texas where he meets John Dorie. After running into a hostile group of survivors, the ii men are rescued by a announcer named Althea and are and then captured past Victor Strand, Luciana Galvez and Nick and Alicia Clark. At commencement, Morgan attempts to stay out of the affairs of his new friends, aside from attempting to convince Nick to let go of his path of vengeance which ends in Nick'southward death. After hearing the story of John and his beloved for the woman he knew as Laura, Morgan decides to become subsequently his new friends and attempt to end their war with the Vultures, to no success. To save John's life later he gets shot, Morgan, Al, June, who is the woman John knew as Laura and a young girl named Charlie return to the Dell Diamond baseball stadium where Alicia'south group had formed a community before it was destroyed by the Vultures. Morgan helps get the needed medical supplies and uses his own experiences to talk Alicia out of getting revenge on June and Charlie.

At the beginning of the 2d half of the flavour, Morgan decides to return to Alexandria to tell Rick that he was right: Morgan did find his way back to people after all. During this fourth dimension, Morgan's grouping discovers that a series of truck drivers led by a man called Polar Bear have been leaving supplies forth the roadways for anyone who needs them. However, a powerful hurricane hits, separating the group. While taking refuge in a semi-truck during the tempest, Morgan is accidentally transported to Mississippi where he makes iii new friends in Jim, Sarah and Wendell. The grouping makes their way back to Texas, leaving boxes of supplies belonging to the original truck driver along the road for other survivors, but come into conflict with a woman named Martha who was driven insane after losing her hubby in a car accident when no one would assist her. Having watched Al'south video tapes, Martha sees Morgan'due south argument that "I lose people and then I lose myself" and sets out to make Morgan strong by killing his friends.

Morgan finds himself the leader of the group every bit they get cornered in a hospital and Jim is bitten. Blaming himself for their state of affairs, Morgan attempts to sacrifice himself to allow his friends to escape, merely they come up back and rescue Morgan while Jim sacrifices himself then that they tin all get away. Morgan decides to lead his new group to Alexandria, but attempts to help Martha first who has poisoned the others with antifreeze. Unable to assistance his friends, Morgan once again most loses himself, merely regains control and makes an arduous journey to save the others. Morgan succeeds in reaching the others in time and countering the antifreeze poisoning through the ethanol in beer from Jim's brewery. Upon returning to help Martha, she is discovered to have succumbed to a massive infection from an earlier untreated gunshot wound and Morgan puts her down and buries Martha.

Inspired by his conflict with Martha, a woman driven to insanity considering no one would help, Morgan chooses not to render to Alexandria. Instead, Morgan decides to accept over a denim factory and utilize information technology and the resources Polar Bear left behind to help other survivors in need. The residuum of the grouping chooses to join in with Morgan's efforts instead of going their separate ways or to Alexandria.

Flavour 5 [edit]

In "Hither to Help," Morgan leads about of his friends to help a survivor named Logan. In the months since they began their efforts, the group has not had any success equally anybody is either dead, missing or don't want to be found. Morgan, Alicia, Al, John, June and Luciana get into a plane crash that leaves Luciana severely injured, forcing the others to fight off a herd of walkers every bit June frees Luciana. With the assistance of a group of kids, they manage to escape, but run into high radiation signs and a strange walker occludent. At the nearby truck stop belonging to Polar Bear, Morgan makes contact with Logan, only to learn that he is Polar Bear's former partner who tricked them so that he could take over the factory.

In "The Hurt That Volition Happen," Morgan's grouping searches for Al who disappeared while examining a strange walker at the plane crash site. After encountering another roadblock alarm of high radiations, Morgan dispatches ii walkers, falling into a trap belonging to a woman named Grace. In one case the state of affairs is defused, Grace explains that the walker Morgan had struggled with is radioactive due to a reactor meltdown at a nearby ability institute. Morgan is forced to undergo decontamination and to permanently discard his fighting stick as it has get contaminated beyond cleaning. Grace is revealed to be the leader of a grouping of survivors that used the plant as their base until the meltdown killed the residual and turned their reanimated corpses radioactive. Morgan and Alicia aid Grace bank check the crash site and fortunately determine that none of the walkers they had previously fought were contaminated, just they confront another herd with a radioactive walker. Morgan helps Grace deal with the walker while Alicia takes care of the rest of the herd. Morgan after talks with Alicia nigh her growing recklessness and they are called to a campground where John and June have found the remains of more of the radioactive walkers and the reanimated residents who contracted radiation sickness later burning the bodies. Though Morgan offers their assistance to deal with the rest, Grace refuses and reveals that she has final radiation sickness. Morgan and Grace promise to keep in touch and Grace asks for Morgan to let her know if they run across anymore of her friends so that she can safely put them downwardly. In the finale, he is shot by Virginia. He manages to record a final message to his grouping, telling them to move on and do practiced. He passes out equally walkers approach him, leaving his fate unknown.

Season half dozen [edit]

Several weeks afterward existence shot by Virginia, Morgan has managed to escape the Pioneers' grasp, merely is in bad wellness from his gunshot wound that has get infected and gangrenous. It'due south revealed that Morgan was rescued by an unknown person who had killed the walkers that were near to eat him, stitched Morgan upwardly and left him a notation stating that he nonetheless had a greater purpose to live for. Virginia hires a compensation hunter, Emile, to discover and impale Morgan. While scavenging for supplies, Morgan meets Isaac, who helps him hibernate from Emile. Isaac takes Morgan to a hidden valley where his pregnant wife, Rachel, is located. Emile finds Morgan, but Isaac rescues him and reveals that he was previously bitten prior to meeting him. Morgan kills Emile and steals his dress, axe, and a key he was carrying with him. The side by side day, Morgan awakens to find the bullet extracted and that Isaac died from his infection, simply non before Rachel gave birth to a girl, named Morgan. Morgan leaves the head of the compensation hunter for Virginia to notice, leaving her stunned. Morgan tells Virginia over the radio, "Morgan Jones is expressionless. You're dealing with somebody else now."

Morgan subsequently dedicates himself to building a new community in the valley and adopts a willingness to be more violent, combining his staff and Emile's axe into one weapon. Morgan kills two men searching for the key that he took from Emile and begins rounding upward his friends and other survivors while actively hunting Virginia and her Pioneers. After saving Alicia and Virginia's teenage sis Dakota, Morgan agrees to allow them both to join him, although Strand refuses and Alicia is shocked by Morgan'due south more violent methods. Morgan is later reunited with John Dorie near his cabin while on the run from a herd with Dakota and tries to convince the depressed John non to hide himself away from the world again. John is murdered past Dakota who discovers that Dakota was really the killer of a man that his friend Janis was framed and executed for killing. Confronted by Morgan, Dakota reveals that she was actually the one who had saved Morgan'due south life after he was shot as she believes that just Morgan can impale Virginia whom Dakota hates.

Virginia threatens the life of Grace, whom Morgan has been unable to find, in order to draw him out of hiding, but Morgan reveals Dakota'south murder of 1 of Virginia'southward Rangers and Virginia's coverup of information technology. Led by Strand, most of the Rangers turn against Virginia, simply she sends Grace and Daniel away with her still-loyal 2d-in-command Hill, forcing Morgan to salvage Virginia in order to find Grace and Daniel. On the run with Virginia, Morgan reveals that Dakota had saved him and to his daze, Virginia explains that Dakota is actually her girl, not her sister, a fact that Virginia has curtained from Dakota for her whole life. Chased by the Pioneers and the Outcasts led by Dwight'south wife Sherry, Morgan takes an amazed Virginia to the community that he has built where she reveals the truth to Dakota and offers to face punishment for her crime if Morgan is the i to execute her, knowing that Morgan volition make her death quick unlike her other enemies. At the last possible second, Morgan chooses not to go through with the execution after remembering the other people that he's killed. Instead, Morgan convinces everybody to let Virginia alive with her actions and invites anyone who is willing to follow the rules to join his new community. Many of Morgan's friends determine to join him, but Strand declines, instead opting to lead the Pioneers, insisting that a grave threat that Virginia has been preparing for is yet out there. Morgan banishes Virginia and Dakota from his customs, only a vengeful June executes Virginia with John's gun, believing that Virginia is responsible for her husband'southward murder as Virginia had covered up for Dakota even after knowing what she was capable of.

Season seven [edit]

Evolution and reception [edit]

Lennie James played Morgan in the series premiere "Days Gone Bye".[xvi] Mike Ryan of Vanity Fair described Morgan in his review of the episode equally "scared shitless of zombies breaking in, which seems like a reasonable reaction".[17] Liz Kelly and Jen Chaney of The Washington Mail commented on Morgan and Duane, "whose loss of the female parent figure in their family reminded united states of america a little of "Lost 'south" Michael and Walt".[18] Josh Jackson of Paste described Morgan and Duane equally beingness "tormented by Morgan's married woman walking the streets exterior the suburban home where they're squatting. Unable to put her out of her misery or move on without her, they're frozen in place, tormented by loss that hasn't really gone away.

It's the most nightmarish of scenarios – hunted by the shell of a loved 1 – the zombies aren't generic; this one is personal."[19] Jackson also stated that Rick is "beat out-shocked by the world he wakes upwards to and Morgan serves as his shepherd into reality".[nineteen] Leonard Pierce of The A.5. Lodge described Morgan equally "beautifully played past the always welcome Lennie James" and adding that he "adds a moment of poignancy, as he finds himself actually apologizing for having not killed his at present-reanimated wife".[20] Pierce describes the scene in which Morgan "tries to gather the—strength? resolve? compassion?—to destroy what used to be his wife" as a "wrenching" scene.[20] Kris King of Starpulse noted that Morgan "has a powerful scene involving the fate of his wife and his grizzly effort to come to terms with his loss".[21] Writing for The Atlantic, Scott Meslow describes what he considers "the episode's well-nigh devastating scene", in which "Morgan aims at [his wife'southward] head through a rifle from a window, nigh pulling the trigger several times earlier collapsing in tears. Morgan'southward fate is a night reflection of Rick's worst fears; with his wife and son missing, and with no way to contact them, Rick never knows if he'll turn a corner and find a grotesque perversion of the wife and son he loves."[22]

It was confirmed on Nov 19, 2012, that Morgan would be returning in Season iii.[23] In an interview with Within TV, Robert Kirkman defines the title of the episode "Articulate", and how information technology relates to Morgan: "It means a lot of things. To a certain extent it'due south the ravings of a lunatic but information technology'due south also about him trying to clear out his life and clear out any entanglements effectually him. He's living by himself so he's trying to take a clear caput. It's basically about him getting rid of his wife and getting rid of his son and the only way for him to survive is to clear the area around him."[24] Kirkman likewise felt that Lennie James was "really playing a completely different graphic symbol and doing completely dissimilar things in this episode and is merely as astonishing doing it. So it was a lot of fun having him back and as well having him exercise things that were and so different from what he had washed before."[24] In his recap of the episode for the Los Angeles Times, Emily VanDerWerff chosen Lennie James a "brilliant actor", and felt that "his role is significant plenty that he essentially becomes the main supporting role player in the piece".[25] Eric Kain of Forbes chosen the operation of Lennie James "absolutely riveting", noting that Morgan "is a inverse man, and not for the better"; Kain called Morgan'due south refusal of Rick'southward offer to return to the prison with him "a glorious scene".[26] Zack Handlen of The A.V. Club describes Morgan's state of affairs: "Morgan's offense is that he couldn't let go of the past; he couldn't shoot his dead married woman, and then his dead married woman eventually killed his son. So now he has nil to live for, but he doesn't have the strength of will left to accept his own life. Which leaves him trapped. He can't join up with Rick's grouping, no matter how much Rick wants him to, because that would hateful connecting with people again, becoming vulnerable, risking himself and having to suffer when his new friends die. And he can't commit suicide, because that would require a different kind of backbone. So he'due south stuck building his traps, roofing the walls with his writing, sending letters to strangers he'll never see."[27]

On November 26, 2017, it was appear on Talking Expressionless that Lennie James would be exiting The Walking Dead and transitioning the office of Morgan to Fear the Walking Dead.[28]

Noel Murray of Rolling Stone ranked Morgan Jones 4th in a list of 30 best Walking Expressionless characters, proverb, "Over the by few seasons, the survivors take had less use for such a gentle, philosophical soul, but the show still badly needs Morgan – both to prove that it's possible to stay alive without sacrificing every principle and that it pays to speak softly and carry a big staff."[29]

References [edit]

  1. ^ Kirkman, Robert (w), Moore, Tony (p), Moore, Tony (i), Kirkman, Robert (let). "Days Gone Bye" The Walking Dead one: [24] (Oct viii, 2003), 1071 North. Batavia St., Suite A, Orange, CA 92867: Paradigm Comics
  2. ^ The Walking Expressionless #34 (January 2007)
  3. ^ The Walking Dead #58 (February 2009)
  4. ^ Kirkman, Robert (westward), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (gray tones, encompass colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (let), Sitterson, Aubrey (ed). "What We Become" The Walking Dead v10, 59: [22] (March 12, 2009), 2134 Allston Way, 2nd Flooring, Berkeley, CA 94704: Prototype Comics
  5. ^ The Walking Expressionless #64 (August 2009)
  6. ^ Kirkman, Robert (due west), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (gray tones, comprehend colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (let), Sitterson, Aubrey (ed). "Fright The Hunters" The Walking Dead v11, 61: [22] (May 15, 2009), 2134 Allston Manner, second Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics
  7. ^ Kirkman, Robert (westward), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (grayness tones, encompass colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (let), Grace, Sina (ed). "Life Amidst Them" The Walking Dead v12, 72: [22] (May xix, 2010), 2134 Allston Fashion, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics
  8. ^ Kirkman, Robert (due west), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (gray tones, cover colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (permit), Grace, Sina (ed). "Too Far Gone" The Walking Dead v13, 73: [22] (June 16, 2010), 2134 Allston Way, 2nd Flooring, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics
  9. ^ Kirkman, Robert (westward), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (gray tones, cover colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (allow), Grace, Sina (ed).The Walking Expressionless 79 (November, 2010), 2134 Allston Manner, second Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704: Paradigm Comics
  10. ^ Kirkman, Robert (west), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (grayness tones, cover colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (allow), Grace, Sina (ed).The Walking Expressionless 80: [21] (December, 2010), 2134 Allston Style, 2d Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics
  11. ^ Kirkman, Robert (w), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (gray tones, cover colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (allow), Grace, Sina (ed).The Walking Expressionless 81: [22] (Feb, 2011), 2134 Allston Way, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics
  12. ^ Kirkman, Robert (west), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (gray tones, comprehend colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (let), Grace, Sina (ed). "No Style Out" The Walking Dead v14, 81: [22] (February 2011), 2134 Allston Manner, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics, Skybound Amusement
  13. ^ The Walking Dead #82 (March 2011)
  14. ^ Kirkman, Robert (due west), Adlard, Charlie (p), Adlard, Charlie (inker, cover), Cliff Rathburn (grey tones, cover colors) (i), Wooton, Rus (permit), Grace, Sina (ed). "No Way Out" The Walking Dead v14, 83: [22] (March 30, 2011), 2134 Allston Way, 2nd Flooring, Berkeley, CA 94704: Image Comics, Skybound Amusement
  15. ^ Ross, Dalton (February 7, 2014). "'The Walking Expressionless': Showrunner Scott Gimple promises 'answers will come apace'". Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved February 2, 2019.
  16. ^ "Lennie James: Credits". TV Guide. Retrieved 2011-x-15 .
  17. ^ Ryan, Mike (Nov 1, 2010). "The Walking Dead Premiere: Information technology's More than than Just Zombies!". Vanity Off-white. Condé Nast Publications. Retrieved Jan 16, 2012.
  18. ^ Chaney, Kelly, Jen, Liz (November 1, 2010). "AMC's 'Walking Dead': Have we institute our next 'Lost'?". The Washington Mail service . Retrieved July 24, 2011.
  19. ^ a b Jackson, Josh (October 31, 2010). "The Walking Dead Review". Paste. Wolfgang's Vault. Retrieved July 24, 2011.
  20. ^ a b Pierce, Leonard (November i, 2010). "Days Gone Bye". The A.Five. Society. The Onion. Retrieved October 15, 2011.
  21. ^ King, Kris (October 22, 2010). "31 Days Of Horror: 'The Walking Dead' (2010)". Starpulse.com . Retrieved July 24, 2011.
  22. ^ Meslow, Scott (October 31, 2010). "'The Walking Dead' Premiere: Can Zombies Live on Tv?". The Atlantic. Jay Leuf. Retrieved Jan 17, 2012.
  23. ^ Jon Lachonis The Walking Dead Spoilers - Who Returns, and Who Arrives TVOvermind (Nov 19, 2012)
  24. ^ a b Clark Collis (March iii, 2013). "Inside TV: 'Walking Dead' exec producer Robert Kirkman talks about this night'due south show and the long-awaited render of Morgan". Entertainment Weekly.
  25. ^ VanDerWerff, Emily (March four, 2013). "'The Walking Dead' recap: Going home". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved July 27, 2019.
  26. ^ Kain, Eric (March 4, 2013). "'The Walking Dead' Season 3 Episode 12 Review: 'Clear' Brings Out The Best In AMC's Zombie Drama". Forbes . Retrieved March 4, 2013.
  27. ^ Handlen, Zack (March iii, 2013). "Clear". The A.V. Club . Retrieved March iv, 2013.
  28. ^ Ross, Dalton (November 26, 2017). "The Walking Dead: Lennie James will cantankerous over to Fear The Walking Dead". Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved November 27, 2017.
  29. ^ Murray, Noel (December 7, 2016). "xxx Best 'Walking Expressionless' Characters". Rolling Stone.

External links [edit]

  • Morgan Jones at AMC
  • Morgan Jones on IMDb


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Jones_(The_Walking_Dead)#:~:text=Morgan%20has%20become%20mentally%20unstable,reunites%20with%20his%20old%20friend.

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