Call of Chernobyl Loners Are Neutral Again

Factions are Stalker clans/organizations operating inside the Zone. Each faction has their own ethics and goals, as detailed in the links below. The factions tin can have both allies who may share their ideals and enemies who oppose them. Factions play a large role in a Stalker'south life, as the Zone is an unforgiving wasteland, where the death of an ordinary Stalker is amounts to little more than a discarded crush casing, and "morality" is relative to a factions goals. Joining other people with the same view of the Zone is often an private's best avenue for survival in the Zone. The listing of major factions in the Zone are:


  • 1 Main factions
    • 1.1 The Military
    • 1.ii The Bandits
    • 1.iii Duty
    • 1.4 Freedom
    • one.5 Loners / Free Stalkers / Neutral Stalkers
    • i.6 Mercenaries
    • ane.7 Ecologists
    • 1.8 Monolith
    • 1.9 Clear Heaven
    • i.10 Renegades

Main factions [ ]

The Military [ ]

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The Ukrainian military supposedly has the Zone contained in club to foreclose the looting of unsafe, radioactive materials and to prevent the unauthorized entering of whatever individuals. They allegedly enforce this dominion with a "Shoot-on-sight" declaration. In an ironic twist, because of major corruption within their ranks, they themselves are the reason why Stalkers tin continue to operate, and why radioactive materials from the Zone keep flowing to the outside earth. Overtly, the Military are hostile to all Stalkers, to proceed upward appearances; but they also make shady dealings with them at the same time.

In S.T.A.50.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, the Military has potent command over nigh of the Zone, and nearly all are hostile.

In S.T.A.50.One thousand.E.R.: Articulate Sky, the faction is not joinable, and almost all are hostile.

In S.T.A.Fifty.Grand.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, the player is a Military Agent; therefore, other Military machine faction members range from neutral to friendly to the player.

The Bandits [ ]

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The Bandits are raiders and marauders of the Zone, ranging from piddling thugs and gangsters to organized criminal offence syndicates. Apart from Freedom, which treats them with marginal contempt, anybody hates the Bandits due to their nefarious acts of robbing and exploiting honest Stalkers. Most Bandits are unorganized and leaderless; in that location are only a few known Bandit leaders and camps, and even and so their groups are still fairly disorganized, with underlings ever trying to take control by overthrowing the previous leader. Their unit size is mediocre, and their equipment is cheap and shoddy; because of this they've adjusted to a guerilla style of warfare, ambushing small groups with large numbers by camping in locations just off the normal paths.

In Due south.T.A.L.Thousand.Due east.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, Bandits are mostly hostile. Should the thespian join Freedom, Bandits and Mercenaries may become neutral, while, conversely, Duty and Scientists become hostile.

In S.T.A.L.K.East.R.: Clear Sky, the Bandits are neutral (excluding the Renegades) and are a joinable faction; however, they will attempt to extort the player whenever possible. They hold a base in the warehouse in Garbage and hold almost of the Garbage. They are at war with the Loners.

In S.T.A.L.Grand.E.R.: Phone call of Pripyat, the Bandits are one time again neutral, to an extent, and the player can earn their favour; however, some groups will all the same try to extort the player, even if the histrion is in total favor with the faction in full general.

Duty [ ]

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Duty was founded past sometime military machine trek survivors and Stalkers concerned well-nigh the looming horrors of the Zone. They are 1 of the largest Stalker clans in the Zone. They have a strict armed services code (such as no smoking, maintaining one'due south weapons, etc...) and operate in a military mode, using ranks like Sergeant, Major, Captain, and General. Their goal is to contain and destroy the Zone, fearing that it will spread to the exterior world. They view the Zone as an ulcer in the earth and their efforts are a style to excise information technology. They do this with blunt forcefulness by killing mutants, eliminating all who oppose them or exploit the costless, and burning down or drowning mutant dens. They are neutral toward other Zone factions, salvage for the Bandits and their long-time nemesis: the Freedom faction. It is said that Duty also has deep connections inside the armed forces, specifically Spetsnaz detachments within the Zone, although they care for regular grunts with utter contempt.

In Southward.T.A.L.K.East.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, they are 1 of the best-equipped factions. Most are paramilitary, and some ignore the fragile full general truce with Liberty, and organize raids against them. Duty and Liberty become actively hostile to each other in the blitz towards the center of the Zone. Thus, if the thespian is in favor with Duty, he can aid Duty against Freedom, making Duty more than likely to button the furthest into Pripyat. They hold Rostok, with their main base of operations near the 100 Rads bar and the Arena.

In Due south.T.A.L.M.Due east.R.: Clear Sky, the faction is joinable, and remains among the best-equipped. Their war with Freedom continues from their master base, the Agroprom Research Institute.

In S.T.A.50.K.E.R.: Telephone call of Pripyat, the faction has made an uneasy truce with Freedom, observing a ceasefire within Yanov Station; however, exterior the station they are hostile to each other. If the thespian aligns with Duty, their numbers will increase, and Nitro will lower his prices for equipment service & upgrades; conversely, Hawaiian will increment his prices.

Freedom [ ]

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Freedom is a association of stalkers who fight for costless access to the Zone, and their views are somewhat anarchistic, believing nobody can own the Zone and seeing it both as a scientific marvel and as a complimentary life inside the Zone'southward borders. In dissimilarity to the regimented, highly disciplined temper of Duty, the members of Freedom have a much more than relaxed, informal attitude. They appear to have a more than casual command construction, often referring to each other as "bro", with a number of members shown making regular recreational utilise of alcohol and marijuana. This further reflects their status as a clan of agreeing free spirits, unlike the ex-military soldiers of Duty.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, they are the 2d-largest faction in the Zone (the first being Monolith), and have some of the all-time equipment. They aren't officially at war with Duty at this time, but fights even so pause out between the factions from fourth dimension to time. They agree the Armed services Warehouses every bit their main base. If the Marked One is in favor with Freedom, and then he can assist Freedom confronting Duty, making Liberty more likely to button furthest into Pripyat. They hold The Bulwark in the Army Warehouses, keeping the Monolith faction and Mutants at bay.

In South.T.A.Fifty.G.East.R.: Articulate Sky, the faction is all the same the second-largest, only are actively at state of war with Duty. They hold the entire Dark Valley, with outposts in several other locations, and during Articulate Sky they take over the Regular army Warehouses and begin to set up a new base.

In S.T.A.50.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, Liberty is all the same the second-largest faction, and remain in conflict with Duty, although a mutual ceasefire is observed between the two at Yanov Station. Liberty and Duty members shoot each other on sight one time outside Yanov. If the player lean towards favoring Freedom, this will increment the faction's forcefulness, and Hawaiian will lower his prices for equipment; but conversely Nitro's prices for maintenance and upgrades will increase.

Loners / Gratis Stalkers / Neutral Stalkers [ ]

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Loners are a nomadic semi-unified grouping of Stalkers who simply live off the Zone in lodge to earn some money for their daily lives. Loners are neutral toward almost all other factions, but practise take complications with the Military, and, to a bottom extent, the Mercenaries, and openly oppose the Bandit faction for their actions against costless Stalkers. Most Loners are merely concerned with the riches of the Zone, and do non pay attention to the other factions' hatred for each other - provided, of form, they practice not threaten them. Because of this, Loners are often recruited by various factions as mercenaries.

In Due south.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, well-nigh of the Loners aren't in a faction (hence the name "Loner"); however, some take banded together into pocket-size factions, virtually notably in the Cordon. In the Cordon, Wolf leads the group and helps train new stalkers, preparing them for what they will face later on in the Zone. They concur the small hamlet near Sidorovich'southward bunker, but most of the Cordon is under Military command. They are at war with the Bandit faction.

In S.T.A.50.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, the Loners are a full-sized faction, at war with the Bandits because they are tired of being harassed, robbed, and extorted. The faction is joinable, and their main base of operations is the subcontract north of the bridge and tunnel in the Cordon. Here, Scar experiences the beginning of the state of war with the War machine in Shadow of Chernobyl. Most of the Cordon is under Stalker control, with units in almost every other location. They hold The Barrier in the Army Warehouses, keeping the Mutants and Monolith at bay.

In S.T.A.L.Chiliad.E.R.: Phone call of Pripyat, the Loners are again an organized Faction of artifact hunters. Their main base is Skadovsk, an old beached freighter. Many are employed past Beard, an artifact dealer. They are still at state of war with the Bandit faction. If Alexander Degtyarev gets in favor with the Loners, the faction size will increase, and Beard's prices volition lower. Conversely, if that happens, Owl's prices increase. If Call of Pripyat ends in peace betwixt Duty and Freedom, nigh members of those 2 factions get out to join the Loners.

Mercenaries [ ]

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The Mercenaries are a private military force operating within the Zone. They are professional person soldiers who will do just almost anything in the Zone, ranging from retrieval, assassinations, body-guarding, etc. Though, of course, it must be for the correct cost. Mercenaries are commonly neutral toward other factions, equally they are a source of income, unless they interfere with their operations.

In Due south.T.A.50.K.E.R. Shadow Of Chernobyl, they are non a true factions since nigh are employed past dissimilar employers, and then most squads serve different goals than others. They are hostile to the player (likewise every bit nigh factions, about notably the Ecologists.)

In S.T.A.L.Thou.E.R. Clear Sky, the player takes the role of a lone Mercenary, Scar. The faction is not joinable (although Scar is a Mercenary by default), and some groups encountered are hostile; but most groups are neutral toward Scar, notably Leshiy and Hog'due south groups; and Leshiy appears to personally know Scar.

In South.T.A.50.K.Due east.R. Call of Pripyat, the Mercs are employed to investigate the labs nether Pripyat. At first they are neutral towards the actor, nonetheless Jackal's group in Yanov - Skull and Black - become actively hostile to the thespian later on investigating the Jupiter Plant. The just group that remains neutral is Hatchet's group.

Ecologists [ ]

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The Ecologists are Ukrainian scientists sent into the Zone on behalf of the government, but seem to be affiliated with outside organizations. Their main purpose is the study of all aspects of the Zone, using scientific methods to further explicate what the Zone is, and its purpose. The Ecologists are neutral to all factions, and are not involved in any of their conflicts. Due to the military's slipping grip on the Zone, the Ecologists rely on opportunistic Dutyers, Loners, and Mercenaries to provide them protection, and to perform errands that may require combat, since the scientists are meliorate thinkers than fighters.

In Southward.T.A.Fifty.1000.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, their base of operations is in the mobile lab at Yantar, where they investigate the Psi Emitter and research the Psi Protection Device. They are constantly under siege by Zombified Stalkers, and sometimes also by Mercenaries.

In Due south.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Articulate Heaven, they're stationed in the mobile lab at Yantar, and are simply start their research on the Psi-Emitter and Psi Protection Device.

In S.T.A.L.Chiliad.East.R.: Call of Pripyat, they are stationed in a mobile lab at Yanov, and they've employed Loners and Mercenaries to protect the lab while they research Anomalies, Artifacts, and Mutant behaviors. Jackal'south Mercenary group quits protecting them, and it is revealed that the mercenaries were actually trying to steal the scientists' information to progress their actual objective, which was to investigate the secret labs under Pripyat. It is Alexander Degtyarev'due south choice who to apply after they leave to protect the lab: Duty, Liberty, Spartacus's group, or Slasher's Mercenaries.

Monolith [ ]

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The Monolith were originally ordinary Stalkers who believed in the power of the Wish Granter. Prior to Clear Sky, the faction reportedly made an exodus to the Zone's center and disappeared. Later the large emission during the events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, they became active. The Monolith are the front line soldiers of the C-Consciousness, and would rather die than let whatsoever Stalker reach the sacred crystal. Although capable of higher reasoning and emotion, they even so carry out orders with fanatic effectiveness. The Monolith faction has no allies, and actively attacks all other factions.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, they are entirely hostile, the largest group in the Zone with the most advanced equipment. They are led by the C-Consciousness, but their leader in the field is Charon. Their main base of operations of operations is the unabridged Pripyat boondocks, but they also hold a base in the Sarcophagus.

In Southward.T.A.L.M.E.R.: Clear Sky, Monolith are again hostile, making their first appearance since when they were a neutral faction and ventured towards the center of the Zone. They are a fanatical, well-equipped faction, with huge numbers. Their main base of operations of operations is in Pripyat (although the player never travels to Pripyat as this location was removed from the game.) Large numbers of Monolith are met in Limansk and the infirmary, with fifty-fifty more at the NPP itself. It is unknown who the faction leader is at this time.

In South.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, Monolith forces are almost entirely hostile. While they may not be the largest group in the Zone, they are withal the all-time-equipped. After the loss of the Encephalon Scorcher, the other factions have moved closer to Pripyat, and Monolith numbers have dropped. Here they are led by the Monolith Fighter.

Clear Sky [ ]

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Clear Sky is the most secretive faction within the Zone. The faction was disbanded later losing the majority of their manpower during the events in Due south.T.A.Fifty.K.E.R.: Clear Heaven. The Clear Heaven faction was originally composed of old researchers of the C-Consciousness who broke away from them in society to conduct their ain research on how to either destroy or contain the zone. The other members of the faction were ordinary stalkers who joined their crusade for their own reasons.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, the faction is disbanded due to their failure at the CNPP in the climax of S.T.A.L.K.East.R.: Clear Heaven. The only known member of Clear Sky faction remaining here is Nimble, who has joined the neutral stalkers. The other possible living ex-Clear Sky member may be Scar, speculated to have become Charon, the combat leader of the Monolith faction.

In Articulate Heaven, the faction is a small group located inside the Swamps. Nearly are ex-Military or Ecologists, researching the Zone. Their main goal is to stop Strelok from reaching the center of the Zone, considering they believe that if he succeeds, the Zone volition be destroyed. They are not joinable past the player, but are e'er friendly-neutral, as the player is unofficially function of the faction. They are actively at state of war with the Renegades and help the player's push to Pripyat in the Red Forests and Limansk. (The Pripyat level itself was removed from the original game, then the transition to the CNPP happens immediately after emerging from the Limansk Hospital.)

In South.T.A.50.G.Eastward.R.: Call of Pripyat, the faction is nearly non-existent. Nimble and Novikov are the but known surviving members of Clear Sky. The Thespian tin can obtain a CHN-3a Battle Armour suit from Nimble, and Novikov will recognize it on sight, and reminisce about his Articulate Heaven days.

Renegades [ ]

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A group of renegade Stalkers unaffiliated with whatsoever major faction, as well as cast-outs from other factions, they act as warbands and gangs instead. Although interim in the same fashion as Bandits by robbing and exploiting stalkers, the renegades are not under whatsoever formal leadership. The Renegade faction eventually dissolved after Due south.T.A.L.K.Due east.R.: Articulate Sky, which is why they are non-existent in Shadow of Chernobyl and Telephone call of Pripyat.

In S.T.A.L.Thou.E.R: Clear Sky, they are a modest sub-faction of Bandits at war with the Articulate Heaven faction. They are non every bit well-equipped as and are fewer in number than the Bandit faction itself, and are easily dispatched. Their faction is not joinable.


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