Are Born Again Christians Suppose to Go to Church

The question comes in a myriad of forms. Do nosotros have to go to church to be a Christian? Exercise we take to go to church building to be saved? Do we have to become to church to get to sky? Each is only a variation on the larger question: Is church attendance necessary for the Christian life?

The question itself appears uncomplicated enough. It presupposes an answer of either "Aye!" or "No!" Google the question and you will find a multitude of sites offering opinions one way or the other. Only is it really that simple?

The difficulty with this question is the problematic way the question is synthetic. What do nosotros mean past "accept to"? Are we suggesting that whatsoever confession of organized religion is rendered null and void if one fails to sit upon a wooden pew 50 Sundays of the year?

If and so, what does this mean for people who work shift work, or who hold multiple jobs to provide for family? If one cannot brand it to church on Sunday morning, is their salvation revoked? In the 3rd century, Saint Cyprian of Carthage famously wrote "outside the church there is no salvation." Is this true?

And and then at that place is the word "church," what exactly do nosotros hateful? Practise we mean a gathering of people or a physical building of that name? Does a church building have to consist of liturgy and singing, pastors and altar guilds? Tin a church be a weekly hang-out with the guys over wings and beer? Can my book society function equally my church building?

And then in that location are bug with the thought of going to church.Is church a location or a style of life? If church is a place I get to, is my presence enough or do I have to participate in some way? What if I have been hurt past the church building, do I nevertheless have to get?

Despite the question's problematic nature, the pondering is real. Many people genuinely wish to know how church attendance affects their relationship with Jesus. So how practise we navigate this circuitous question? Does the Bible say that we must go to church building to live the life of faith?

The Bible Says No

Does it daze you recall that church attendance might not be necessary to live an active and robust life of faith? When we make church attendance necessary for the Christian life, or for our conservancy, nosotros twist the community of organized religion into a superficial body of earning and merit.

We mistakenly assume that in that location is something that we must do to earn our identify in God'due south kingdom. Scripture, however, is resolute in affirming that the is nothing that we do to earn God'due south love or favor.

Paul writes, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is non from yourselves, it is the gift of God--non by works, so that no 1 can avowal" (Ephesians 2:8-ix). Nowhere does scripture mandate one's omnipresence at church as a status of salvation.

This is, in fact, consistent with Jesus' own life and ministry. Endless rules and regulations dictated how Jewish men and women lived faithfully before God. This involved everything from what to eat, when to piece of work, who to associate with, and where to exist on sure days. Jesus frequently contravened these rules and immune his followers to do and so as well.

In one instance, the Pharisees confront Jesus about this, pointing out that his followers "do what is unlawful on the Sabbath." In response, Jesus states that "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" (Marking 12:23-28).

Jesus teaches that an ongoing, interactive, relationship with him is of greater importance than merely attention to the humanly crafted rules of religious behavior.

Spiritual activities, no matter how well-pregnant, ever run the risk of obstructing our connection with Jesus when they get ends in themselves. Going to church for church building'south sake does niggling for our spiritual growth. Information technology may even work negatively against it.

The Bible As well Says Yes

Despite often contravening religious rules, despite beingness critical of the Temple construction and its leaders, the fact remains that Jesus was frequently at the Temple. This is significant given the fact that Jesus is the only person on earth who could justifiably live his spiritual life alone. Jesus did not demand a community of faith to mediate his human relationship with the Father.

And notwithstanding, Jesus gathered a community around him. He lived his religion in the company of others. He attended worship at the Temple. An interesting question to ask might exist why Jesus himself participated in the community of faith. Or, to put it another way, why did Jesus get to church?

While scripture does not control Christians to nourish church, it does speak powerfully about the blessing of the church building community. James exhorts anyone who is sick to "call the elders of the church building to pray over them," and to "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other" (James 5:14-16).

The Volume of Hebrews calls Christians to "consider how we may spur one another on toward love and adept deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing" (Hebrews ten:24-25). The early Christians did not live their religion in isolation.

Those who joined the Christian move were immediately immersed in a dynamic community of fellow believers. The early Christians were devoted to prayer, fellowship, education, and breaking bread (Acts ii:42). Meeting together was the natural way that Christian people grew in their religion.

The entire narrative of scripture testifies to the importance of customs in the spiritual life. From the opening move in Genesis, God'southward creative and redemptive identity is linked to the establishment of a holy people. Scripture assumes a corporate faithfulness. In fact, scripture is rarely addressed to an in private.

Rather, the scriptures address a people, a community of religion witnessing to the power and presence of the living God. If the early Christians embodied their faith in the atmosphere of a community, why would we assume that we are somehow exempt from doing the same?

Can Yous Grow in Your Faith Alone?

Ultimately, we demand to change the question. The question of whether on must go to church is like the age-one-time query regarding golf game: "Can't nosotros worship God on the golf course?" The answer to this question is "of course you tin... but do you?"

While your first-time golfing on Sunday morning may provide a rich experience of grace and freedom, will such a worshipful attitude go on? Without a lot of focus, and the building in of spiritual practices and habits, Sunday morning time golf volition hands devolve into naught more than Dominicus morning golf game.

Too often this is what occurs when people separate themselves for active participation in the customs of faith.

Instead of asking "Do I accept to become to church?" it is better to ask whether we tin live our faith in isolation. Can we maintain spiritual growth? Tin can we maintain an agile prayer life? It is important to look at these things over a length of fourth dimension. What's our true centre backside not attending church?

We are not talking about individual spiritual moments, but a life lived before God. The primary question to sit with is whether it is meliorate for yous to live out your faith in the company of others, or by yourself?

Importantly, nothing says that attendance at church is to occur at the expense of our livelihood, joy, safety, or heath. In that location are toxic communities in the world and God'south wish would be for us to remove ourselves from them.

God desires the states to be prophylactic, healthy, and whole. Whatever church building set upon hate and judgment does not represent the body for which Christ is the head (Ephesians 1:22). Jesus will never call us to remain in a community that does not pb us into His loving and gracious presence.

However, this does not backbite from the reality that belonging to an accurate customs of faith is beneficial to our spiritual lives. Going to church may not ever be enjoyable or easy.

The church is not beneficial because it is the church, it is beneficial considering we become immersed in a customs of support, encouragement, challenge, and ministry. Jesus may non demand that you attend a church, but that does not mean he does non inquire you to participate in one.

For farther reading:

What Is the Church Now?

What Is the Significant of the Trunk of Christ?

Should the Church Be Seeker Sensitive?

Why Is Shame Connected to the Church building?

How All Generations Tin Be a Part of the Church

Related Resource: Listen to our FREE podcast, The Bible Never Said That.  In this podcast, we unpack some of the most popular "spiritual statements" that have made their way into pop culture and the church, fifty-fifty though they are not theologically sound. Together, we'll hold them up to the Bible to see what God's Word really has to say to us. All of our episodes are available at

The Bible Never Said That podcast ad

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages

SWN author Reverend Kyle Norman is the Rector of the Anglican Parish of Holy Cross in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He has a doctorate in Spiritual Formation and is oft asked to write or speak on the nature of the Christian customs, and the office of Spiritual disciplines in Christian life. His personal blog tin can be institute here.


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