Should I only take the tests in subjects that I excel at and avoid the subjects where i exercise not do as well? – john

You should take a test in whatever discipline where you can testify mastery. No college requires more than three SAT Subject Tests, and most require none. They volition frequently help with course placement and fifty-fifty credit once you enter college. Have a few practise tests prior to taking any exam, and if you are scoring in the 600s for example, you should strongly consider taking the test.

Is information technology okay to only take i or two tests or should yous endeavor to take each subject area?  Also, can i take the same subject test multiple times? – haiyun

The selective colleges that require SAT Subject field Tests ofttimes propose a math and then 1 or two other exams, such as a science or history or language. Once again, if you can do well in several areas, you should try the tests. Yep, y'all can retake the tests, and colleges volition normally use your highest score for evaluation purposes.

Which Sabbatum II's are the best to take?  I was planning on taking spanish considering this twelvemonth i will exist finishing span 4 honors.  Likewise should I take US History after finishing AP United states History this year? I was too wondering about the SAT Two's in scientific discipline. This year I am in physics honors but wonder if the Saturday II volition be too hard because my schoolhouse did not offer AP physics. I know Sat Ii'southward differ depending on the selectivity of the schoolhouse, anyhow i would similar to attend more often than not catholic schools, Providence College, Holy Cantankerous, Catholic Academy of America, Notre Dame ( a chip hard tho) or St Mary'south. Thanks – Kaitlan

You will almost certainly exist prepared for the American History SAT Subject area Test, and should strongly consider that exam. Nosotros are finding we are recommending to many AP students to take the SAT Subject Tests in May, aslope the AP tests, and then delay the Sabbatum until June, or to take more than SAT Subject Tests in June if you accept taken the SAT in March. You could try the Spanish, which is a reading only test in the spring, but a reading and listening exam in Nov. You might be prepared for physics, but are right about the fact that information technology's a hard test which many AP students take. Look at a few practice exams to run across if your course has prepared you lot adequately in each case. Some of the less competitive schools you mentioned don't crave Sabbatum Subject area Tests, just you should have them for Notre Dame, Holy Cantankerous, or Georgetown, for example.

I am a HS junior and I took the SAT this past fall and did okay on information technology. I am a hockey player and i have a couple of colleges that have shown an interest in me. I would like to likewise show that i am potent academically.  Would taking the subject area tests (regardless of my score) aid my chances of recruitment? – Jeff

Taking the subject tests and doing poorly on them could have the reverse effect for you. You could undermine what could be solid grades by getting sub-par SAT Subject Tests. For case, if yous are taking a moderately strong curriculum at your high school, and getting Bs and B+s in regular college prep and a few honors classes, including Honors American History and Honors/Accelerated Algebra 2, but so take the SAT Subject Test in American History and Math Level I and get 400 or 500 range scores, this could give colleges the sense that you are being graded too easily in your schoolhouse, and are not learning a lot in your classes.

If the colleges in which you are interested exercise not require Sabbatum Subject area Tests, and you don't think you'll exercise well on them, then you should consider skipping the tests. Only take those in which you think you can earn a score on par with your SAT. If, on the other mitt, some colleges that are recruiting you require SAT Subject Tests, then you lot'll need to take them, almost regardless of your scores, in order to fulfill entrance requirements so as to be eligible for recruiting.

Hi. I am currently a junior and program to report neuroscience in higher. In social club to fulfill the 3 SAT II requirements of sure colleges, I am planning to take the biology and math IIc subject tests in June. I already took the chemistry subject field test terminal year. Is it ok that none of my bailiwick tests are in the humanities? Do colleges want to see diversity in the subject area tests that you take or does information technology not thing? – Lisa

Particularly given your interests, it is very appropriate for you to submit ii science and one math Saturday Field of study Tests. Because writing has been incorporated into the SAT, colleges will be less concerned near seeing more rest in the subjects, especially if you are headed toward the sciences. If you think yous can do well, yous could effort to add another Sabbatum Subject Test in the fall, such as Literature or a strange language, but this is not a necessity. If y'all could do well on them, information technology would indeed show more balance and add strength to your awarding.

Should a pupil select MATH 1 or Math II for Saturday Two?  Although she finished Pre-calculus/Trigonmetry in her 11th form, Math is not her strong subject. She may go a poor score in MATH II. She has taken AP courses in Biology, History, and Psychology.

How many courses should she select for Saturday II? So far, she is planning to take two in Oct (MATH I or Ii, and Biological science). – Naseem

No college requires more than three SAT Subject Tests, merely a number of the more selective colleges and universities do ask for ii or iii. Thus, information technology is best to fix for three by the end of senior fall. Should a student take more than three? Yeah, if she tin do well (in the same range as her other test scores) on more than, she should accept more and further demonstrate the forcefulness of her curriculum and grooming.

As far as Math Level 1 or ii, the Level ii is harder, but many students finishing pre-calc find information technology easier because it emphasizes material they accept encountered more recently (Algebra II  over Geometry, for example). She should look at practice tests, and talk with her math teacher virtually which exam seems best for her. Don't worry as well much near the percentile scores, which are thrown off significantly on these tests, peculiarly on the Math Level 2. If she can do reasonably well on the Level 2, it will be preferred by the more selective colleges.

I plan to have German language as one of the Sat II subject areas. What is the difficulty level of the test – eg "zertificat" level, "mittelstufe" level or above? Exercise you know of prep book(s) to practice for the SAT II High german language examination? cheers in advance – Yannis

The SAT Subject area Tests for languages are based on a "working knowledge" of the language rather than a high level of fluency. The tests are multiple pick and most of the questions chronicle to fundamental language structure and proper grammar usage. Thus, we would describe the German exam every bit somewhere between certificate and heart level. You can review for the test with workbooks. Vile gluck!!

According to the SAT subject test prep volume, it is recommended to have the SAT Scientific discipline Subject tests immediately after the courses. This would be later on one year of a intro form at a higher prep-level. Do they hateful to take the test after Honors chem, bio, & physics or do they mean later on AP chem, bio, & physics? – Brittany

We can sympathise where this recommendation equally stated in a review book is somewhat confusing. Hither is what nosotros suggest as guideline: You lot should take the Sat Subject area Test at the determination of the introductory level bailiwick, especially so if the course is at the honors level. What most students do not empathise is that you lot tin retake a field of study exam a year or 2 later if you have completed an AP level course in the same field of study. This has been the instance for many science- and math-oriented students. If you score well on a subject examination the beginning time (after the introductory level course) so leave well plenty alone. If later taking an AP level course you feel you can better your score then retake the test.

I've been trying to effigy out which Sabbatum 2 my daughter should take. Any math/scientific discipline test is out (not her force). She's taking AP American History side by side year (junior year) then I'm thinking that she'll probably well prepared for the Am. History Saturday 2. She'southward stiff in English and volition exist taking Spanish four next twelvemonth. And so English Literature and Spanish are besides possibilities. Nonetheless, I've heard that the Spanish language test is very hard for all but native speakers. I tin can't find whatever info on the degree of difficulty for the English language literature test. I appreciate whatever info you have on the difficulty of these tests. She'd like to attend a minor, liberal arts school (her interest is motion-picture show) — I don't know if that makes a difference in selecting which test to accept. Also, should she prep for these tests as well? Thank you. – diane

Skillful questions. The SAT Field of study Tests are skillful ways to prove content knowledge in particular areas. Though near colleges practise not require them, many of the more selective ones, especially the smaller liberal arts colleges, do ask for ii or 3. Math or science is usually not required, then taking two or iii humanities-oriented tests is fine. American History sounds like an obvious choice. The literature test is good for those with strengths in reading comprehension and analysis. If your daughter is doing well on the Critical Reading portion of the Sat, then the Literature could piece of work well for her. She can observe practice tests and information virtually that and other bailiwick tests on this site. The Castilian is tough for not-native speakers. If she is going to have Spanish senior year as well, she could look to try it in November (when it is a reading and listening examination, if aural comprehension is a force) or December.

In the case of the Saturday Subject Test, I would similar to write a test in Mathematics and Physics. Now in Mathematics there two levels  Mathematics level -1c and Mathematics level -2c, Practise i have 2 write Test in both the levels or i can opt for only i level? – priya

You lot can endeavor both, or pick 1. The Math Level 2 (formerly IIC) supersedes the Math Level 1 (formerly IC). That is, if you accept the Level ii and do well on information technology, the Level i is basically no longer relevant. Take the Level two if y'all are at least through pre-calculus and math is a strong bailiwick for you.

I have had three years of Spanish at the high school and 2 years in centre school. I am currently enrolled in Spanish level 4, which is an honors level course (after Castilian 3 languages switch from regular to honors in my school). I was wondering if you remember I am well enough prepared for the Saturday Two in Spanish. I am looking at schools similar Wake Wood and Franklin and Marshall, so I don't want to do desperately. What would you say is a skillful score for these schools? An okay one? When I take a few practice tests what score should I aim for if I want to take the test? Thanks for your advice – Stephanie

You have completed plenty Spanish to fulfill colleges' entrance requirements, Stephanie, simply it is tough to say whether you lot are prepared for the Saturday Subject Test. Many native Spanish speakers and students completing AP Castilian or Spanish through level 4 or 5 will have the test. Nosotros detect very few Spanish Three students experience well plenty prepared to take information technology. Certainly taking some practice tests makes the most sense for you to meet how you might do.

A good score? Definitely something nigh 600, and for the schools y'all are considering, more in the mid-600s (particularly if you are getting B'due south or higher up in honors level classes). If y'all are taking Spanish 4 adjacent fall, you might consider delaying the Saturday Subject Exam until November (when information technology is a reading and listening test) or December, regardless of whether that is in time to be considered for a first round ED awarding.

Do you have any advice on the Sat Subject Tests. Is it appropriate to have 3 on 1 day? Are there some that are generally easier than others, etc. If y'all take more than what the school applying to requires practise you become to cull what tests to ship or practice the schools see all that y'all accept? Any other advice would be appreciated. – ann

Y'all raise a very important and practical question that all students should take under consideration. We always counsel students to take no more than than two subject tests in one test appointment if possible. Plan your testing schedule so that y'all are the most prepared for each subject examination and and so have it in the jump of junior year or fall of senior year. May and June are the usual test dates for juniors and Nov and Dec for seniors. No higher or university in the land requires more than three unlike tests and many require simply two since the writing portion has been added to the SAT.

The present policy is that the College Board will send all of a educatee's test results. There is no opportunity to send only those you choose. Colleges will consider positively a 2nd score if a student retakes a subject field examination and improves his or her score.

You should look at some of the Saturday Discipline Test review books to determine which subjects you are most prepared for. In that location is no easier subject test; you should take those subjects in which yous are virtually prepared and comfortable with.

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